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Helps with Anti-Aging & Fat Burning! CRAVING Sugar and Sweets? Wondering if you are “Out of Balance?” Feeling TIRED and LETHARGIC?

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CRAVING Sugar and Sweets?

Wondering if you are “Out of Balance?”


Hormones can radically change how a woman feels, looks and acts. Progesterone is one of the female hormones that help in regulating the menstrual cycle. But it does a number of other things as well. Without appropriate progesterone levels, many things change in the body. The safest, most effective way to balance progesterone levels is by using natural progesterone replacement options.

Natural progesterone is the biologically identical hormone that is produced by a woman’s ovary. It is made from naturally occurring plant steroids found in the wild yam. It is NOT the synthetic version that is commonly purchased as tablets with a prescription such as Provera.

Progesterone is a steroid hormone made by a woman’s ovaries when she ovulates and in smaller amounts by the adrenal gland. A menstruating woman will typically produce about 20 to 30 mg of progesterone a day during the luteal or last phase of her menstrual cycle.

While menopause doesn’t typically occur until age 50 or later, many women can start going out of balance in their 30s or even earlier. This decline in progesterone is not trivial for as women age into their fourth, fifth, and sixth decade, their progesterone levels continue to fall. By the time they reach perimenopause as much as 75% or more of their youthful progesterone secretion may already be missing.

Natural progesterone is very useful to balance excess estrogen, also known as estrogen dominance, which can be a major risk for breast cancer, among other things. Natural progesterone is also different from estrogen in that your body can use it as a precursor or starting material to make other hormones such as adrenal hormones.

Natural progesterone is made from a substance called diosgenin which is commonly extracted from wild yams.


Overproduction of estrogen
Ovarian cysts or tumors can lead to excess estrogen production. Stress also increases production, but probably the most common cause is obesity. All body fat has an enzyme that converts adrenal steroids to estrogen, so the more fat you have, the more estrogen is present.

Inability to breakdown estrogen
Excess estrogen is generally removed by the liver. Diseases of the liver like cirrhosis or decreased enzyme activity can lead to increased estrogen levels. Vitamin B6 and magnesium are necessary for the liver to neutralize estrogen. Magnesium deficiency is common in our country as increased sugar intake will also excrete magnesium and interfere with its ability to breakdown estrogen. So with deficient magnesium levels, the body cannot neutralize estrogen and therefore becomes estrogen dominant.

Exposure to pesticides in foods
Most of us eat foods that have pesticides on them. These and many other unnatural chemicals share a common structure with estrogen and serve as “false” estrogens which further stimulates the body’s estrogen receptors.

Decreased production of progesterone
Progesterone is necessary to counterbalance estrogen. If women do not ovulate during their cycle they will not produce any progesterone that cycle. This happens commonly and worsens the already disturbed progesterone/estrogen balance.Probalancechart1 Probalancechart2


Additional information

Weight 1.7 oz
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 4 in

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