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Weight Loss Programs

A Fast Weight Loss Program with Results that Last

If you are ready to give your all to a weight loss plan but don’t know what to do, look no further. You need a partner to stay with you every step of the way. Here at Dr. Kells we understand your needs and help you to get where you want to be.

Our program is a fast weight loss method that teaches you to keep the weight from coming back.

There’s no other way to say it. Losing weight is not easy. It takes hard work and discipline, but the rewards that you can reap are very much worth it. Not only do you keep the needle on the scale from moving, you also get more energy plus a newfound feeling of confidence and fulfillment.

A solid plan for results that last for the long run

When you set out a logical and comprehensive plan before you set out on any undertaking, you vastly increase your chances of success. You likely want to see instant results, but remember that in many cases fast weight loss results can get reversed as easily as they came.

This is why the Dr. Kells clinics’ weight loss programs go beyond the immediate term for a more permanent solution to being overweight. Anyone who follows our programs correctly can lose weight quickly and have the tools they need to avoid falling back into their own ways.

Weight Loss Programs

Not a miracle diet, but an overall health solution

If you’ve spent most of your life fighting with weight gain and unhealthiness, don’t worry. We keep it simple at Dr. Kells.

Our clients have seen results as impressive as losing 21 pounds in only 32 days. This takes a lot of careful planning, including portion control and keeping from eating junk.

The process goes far beyond diets, though. We’ve come up with four phases, Release, Reboot, Reignite and Reclaim, to jumpstart and maintain your health transformation.

We address:

  • Toxicity
  • Hormones
  • PH Levels
  • Metabolism
  • Chronic Pain
  • Fatigue


Meet Your Weight Loss Goals in a Healthy Manner

The programs that we create for you are based on science and direct observation. They’re customized to your needs to help you shed pounds and live the life that you want.

When you follow a program from Dr. Kells you’ve got an entire team standing behind you. They treat you with dignity while still keeping you accountable.


Improve, Lose Weight and Keep it Off

At a Dr. Kells’, DC, Weight Loss clinic you get access to unique therapies, such as the infrared sauna, challenging exercises, and alkaline water. We also offer custom meal plans and unique supplements.

We send your tests to a lab to get a comprehensive picture of your overall well-being. These methods reveal what we need to know about your hormones, adrenal function and more.

Once we have the information we need, we can work on detoxifying your body so that it can work at its full potential to help you find the right balance.

Discover How to Keep the Weight Off Permanently

The Dr. Kells method of weight loss is not what you’re used to. There are no miracle pills, no yo-yo diets and no quack science. The true goal isn’t to shed pounds, but to detoxify your body and leave you feeling healthier and more energetic.

The weight coming off is just the cherry on top. By taking holistic view of things and considering how each part of your life relates to the whole, Dr. Kells gives you the tools to succeed even after you’re at your ideal weight.

Plans crafted to meet your needs

No two people are created quite the same. We all have our own strengths and challenges to deal with. When you come into the Dr. Kells clinics, we sit down with you for an initial consultation, which we use as the beginning of a total body evaluation.

Obesity is not the diseas itself, it’s the symptom of more toxic causes. We don’t view obesity and your weight loss as something to treat, but an indicator of how well your health plan is working.

Get fast results and then maintain them

Once you’re down to the weight level that you want, you still need to work to stay at your ideal figure. When you follow the guidelines in your program you can keep the weight off permanently.

Your body is incredible and has an amzing healing factor. We don’t use surgery as an option; we offer natural alternatives so that your body can help itself.


Contact our weight loss center to learn more about how our approach to health is the right one for you


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Weight Loss Programs

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