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Ultimate Cleanse



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Losing weight and changing your body is not just about diet and exercise. It is also about changing your body’s physiology, cleaning out toxins, balancing alkalinity and acidity status, restoring nutritional deficiency, improving nutritional status, and balancing hormonal status.

Helping your body change its physiology with our products will enable you to:

 Increase your energy levels
 Eliminate cravings
 Clear up your skin
 Reduce noticeable cellulite
 Reduce your risk for preventable diseases
 Increase your muscle mass
 Reduce joint pain and inflammation
 Many, many other benefits

What is Ultimate Cleanse?
Ultimate cleanse is a product that helps enable our body to detoxify chemicals and environmental toxins. Constant exposure to chemicals and environmental toxins can lead to a number of things including dry skin and hair, joint pain, increased cellulite appearance, brain fog, memory loss, and disease! Today we are being bombarded by so many chemicals and toxins that it has become necessary for a daily on-going detoxification program to maintain ultimate health.

The food we eat…
The FDA warns that there are well over 50 known toxic substances and poisons in our groceries and that doesn’t even count fast foods.

The air we Breathe…
EPA studies show that the average American home has 70 TIMES more pollution inside than the outside air. The toxic fumes just from household cleaners alone can cause cancer. The air we breathe today has the highest concentration of pollution and chemical emissions in the history of mankind. A shortlist of toxins in the air you are breathing right now includes: Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Ozone, Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulfur Oxides

The water we drink…
Every day in America over 3 billion gallons of untreated sewage industrial waste and toxic runoff water are discharged into our lakes, rivers, and streams. Our waterways contain highly toxic industrial waste that are carcinogenic, mutagenic, and disease-causing.

The American Red Cross
In 2005, the American Red Cross took fetal cord blood samples in newborns and found a shocking 287 chemicals in the samples. These toxins included: dioxins, phthalates, pesticides, teflon byproducts, and flame retardants, just to name a few.

A study published in the Journal of Neurotoxicology took samples of the first bowel movements of 426 infants; the findings were shocking! 84% contained Mercury; 27% Lead; and 27% had DDT, a pesticide that was banned over 25 years ago. These toxins are clogging your liver, damaging every cell in your body, stopping your body from eliminating unwanted belly fat, creating severe inflammation, and are aging your body at an accelerated rate.

The Ultimate Cleanse is a unique formula that is designed to assist the body in eliminating unwanted toxins, purify your blood, and cleanse your lymphatics.

In doing this you can experience:
 More Energy
 Faster Weight Loss
 Vibrant Healthy Skin
 Less cravings
 Decreased inflammation and joint pain
 Decreased cellulite
 Many other Anti-Aging Benefits


Pure Vitality Ultimate Cleanse Formula Contains…
Pau D Arco- A Powerful Anti-Fungal, Anti-Bacterial, and Anti-Viral herb from South America.

Red Clover- A wonderful detergent and cleansing tonic. It is considered a depurative that purifies the blood by promoting the body’s eliminative functions.

Oregon Grape Root- Oregon grape root contains the alkaloid, berberine, known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Burdock Root- Burdock can enhance the performance of many of our organs including Kidneys, Gallbladder, Liver, Colon, etc.; which purify the body by eliminating toxins and waste.

Yellow Dock Root- Widely regarded as a powerful astringent, detoxifier, and purifier.

Dandelion Root- Today, many herbal doctors use dandelion to purify the liver and gallbladder of toxins. Dandelion has large amounts of numerous vitamins, including A, C, D, and B-complexes, as well as minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, choline, calcium, boron, and silicon.

Garlic- The bulbs yield an essential oil containing, allyl propyl disulphide, diallyl disulphide, and two other sulfur compounds. The garlic bulbs have stimulant, anti-cholesterol, anti-bacterial, aphrodisiac, analgesic, anthelmintic, diuretic, emmenagogue, and anti-fungal properties.

Habanero Pepper- The habanero peppers are one of the more intensely spicy species of chili peppers of the capsicum genus.


Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 4 in

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