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Vitamin D3


There is scientific evidence that links low levels of Vitamin D and low levels of probiotics to an increased risk of many medical conditions.

Please ask for guidance if you are unsure if this cream is included in your protocol.🙂

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In the last couple of years, vitamin D has received a lot of attention regarding how it impacts overall health. However, many professionals still do not realize vitamin D goes well beyond bone health and “female” clients.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a secosteroid; it functions as a modulator for as many as 1,000 genes involved in cellular growth, immune function, and protein synthesis as well as intestinal calcium absorption and osteoclastic activity.

Vitamin D is related to health and athletic performance through the following processes:

• Calcium homeostasis and bone health
• Immunity
• Inflammatory modulation
• Skeletal muscle function

Not Just a “Female” Issue

One research study found that 72 out of 89 football players in the National Football League (NFL), with an average age of 25, had inadequate levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D levels range from 32–100 ng/dl on most lab reports. Serum 25(OH) D concentration is the best indicator of vitamin D status and 40–70 ng/dl are considered optimal levels. Out of these 89 NFL football players, 27 players had deficient levels (20 ng/dl) and 45 had insufficient vitamin D levels (20–31.9 ng/dl). Sixteen out of the 27 players suffered a muscle injury with an average vitamin D level of 19.9 ng/dl.

We all need Vitamin D3 to maintain the most optimal health. By taking Vitamin D3 you can increase your immune functions and calcium absorption and decrease your body’s inflammation. This all allows you to both look and feel better.

Vitamin D3 Recommendations
There is scientific evidence that links low levels of Vitamin D and low levels of probiotics to an increased risk of many medical conditions. Vitamin D, Probiotics, and Chicken soup have been effective in the past in combating viral infections like Flu.

• Get a Vitamin D blood test 25(OH)D
• Make sure your whole family has adequate blood levels of Vitamin D. (>50-80ng/ml). Most children and adults vitamin D blood level is <30ng/ml
• Adult (and children >100lbs) maintenance ………… 10,000 IU daily.
• Children’s maintenance: <100lbs……………………… 5,000 IU daily.
• At the first symptoms of a cold or flu 1,000IU/ lb. daily for 7 days.

PROBIOTIC: Why do you need a probiotic?
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy.

Why is that important?
Did you know that 85% of brain chemicals are actually produced in the gut, therefore we know that gut health can absolutely impact brain chemistry-which is responsible for all the chemicals produced in the brain. These brain chemicals affect your emotional health directly.

Researchers have known that the brain sends signals to the gut, which is why stress and other emotions can contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms. This study shows what has been suspected but until now had been proved only in animal studies: that signals travel the opposite way as well. Taking a good probiotic is excellent for helping to level any uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.

Research has also proven that 70% of immune cells are produced and stored in the gut. Therefore if your gut is healthy, so are you.

Because of these reasons and many others we have decided to carry Physician grade only Probiotics.

Additional information

Weight 1.7 oz
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 4 in

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